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SSA Program Build

Program build actual invokes the build function for each package. Serially or concurrently according to the mode. For the external function call from a package, the built function could be found in another package through the ssa program. Hence, we only need to take care of how the package build works.

The "build" means to emit the code for all package top-level definitions(functions, global variables, import directives, etc...) Const and type needn't be built because they're definitions instead of expression which is runnable.

Type builder is defined to handle all AST-to-SSA conversion, it builds all functions/variables inside the packages.

Building Global Variables and Inits

Go SSA creates a synthesized package initializer to hold all logics related to package initialization, namely:

  • all imported package synthesized package initializer
  • initialization of global variables
  • all init functions defined under the package
    /* synthesized package initializer */
    p.init = &Function{
        name:      "init",
        Signature: new(types.Signature),
        Synthetic: "package initializer",
        Pkg:       p,
        Prog:      prog,
        build:     (*builder).buildPackageInit,
        goversion: "", // See for details.

Method buildPackageInit helps to build the function body of the synthesized package initializer. The synthesized package initializer has name init in its SSA representation while all init functions defined under the package in go code are named with format init#%d.

complain to the synthesized package initializer

The naming here is really confusing, the synthesized package initializer ssa function is named as init, while the init functions from go source code init function definition(func init{}) has the name init#%d. Personally, i would rather use sinit or a different name for the synthesized package initializer ssa function name, instead of reusing the name init.

The function body created by buildPackageInit emits a \(\phi\)-node for the package initialization logic, while all real logics are hold by the init.start block.

        initguard := p.Var("init$guard")
        doinit := fn.newBasicBlock("init.start")
        done = fn.newBasicBlock("init.done")
        emitIf(fn, emitLoad(fn, initguard), done, doinit)

The pseudo-code performs as the snippet shown below:

if init$guard
  then init.done
  else init.start 

At the start of init.start, a true value is stored to the init$guard to ensure the init.done won't be executed twice. Moreover, as the ssa init function is synthesized without corresponding go.mod file, the go version and info fields are empty.

Building Function

There are two kinds of function, function declaration and function literal.

// example is a function declaration
func example(){
    // the 'func() {}' here is a function literal
    var f = func() {}

All functions are represented by ssa.Function no matter what kind of function it is(decl, lit). SSA differentiates them from the syntax filed typed ast.Node.

When we start to build the function body, SSA creates an entry block and a map field vars inside the ssa.Function to store the local variables. (todo): what's the local variables here? the map 2 here is only for the values n and err like this, is it?

func demo() (n int, err error)

Then the function parameters and results are spilled, which creates allocations on the stack for function body to load/store to interact with the parameters. For example, the input(parameter) and i(result) will be spilled. SSA treats these parameters as syntactic.

func hello(input int) (i int) {
    return input

After that, deferstack is processed for the range-over feature and we can ignore it for now.

Then it starts to emit SSA representation for all statements inside function body by calling the respective emitting functions. and we will discuss the emitting functions later.

Finally, after all statements inside function body are emitted, SSA helps to add two instructions RunDefers and Return when the current block satisfy cb != nil && (cb == fn.Blocks[0] || cb == fn.Recover || cb.Preds != nil). The RunDefers instruction helps to trigger all registered functions in FILO(the concrete logic is in method runDefers). The Return instruction helps to return the values and control back to the calling function. Don't get confusing between Return instruction and the keyword return in go.

That's how the go supports defer keyword to support function executions after return/panic.